Computer-based telephone triage

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Telephone Triage Process and Documentation

Introduction to Telephone Triage

Exploring the process of conducting telephone triage using the Adastra platform:

  • Platform Overview: Adastra platform facilitates remote consultations akin to face-to-face assessments.
  • Patient Verification: Confirming patient identity by verifying name and date of birth before documentation to ensure accuracy.
  • Establishing Rapport: Introducing oneself and clarifying roles within the organisation to enhance patient comfort and cooperation.

Components of Consultation Documentation

Understanding the elements covered during the telephone triage consultation:

  • History Collection: Gathering information on presenting complaints, medical history, medications, allergies, and social circumstances.
  • Treatment Discussion: Documenting advice given, including self-care recommendations, medication instructions, and safety precautions.
  • Safety Netting: Highlighting follow-up instructions such as monitoring symptoms and recognizing red flag warning signs.

Concluding the Consultation

Final steps to conclude and ensure patient understanding and agreement:

  • Confirmation of Plan: Ensuring the patient comprehends and consents to the outlined plan before closing the consultation.
  • Prescription Handling: Directing prescriptions either electronically or to a preferred pharmacy, considering out-of-hours arrangements.
  • Case Closure: Reviewing and finalizing consultation notes before categorizing the case as self-care, clinic visit, or home visit.

Implementing thorough documentation and clear communication in telephone triage ensures effective patient management and continuity of care.