Scenario 5 - Lower back pain
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Emergency Call with Mr Smith: Severe Back Pain Assessment
Introduction and Identification
Introduction: Shaun from Urgent Care contacts Mr Smith regarding severe back pain he experienced this afternoon.
Assessment of Current Condition
Current Symptoms: Mr Smith describes intense lower back pain radiating down his left leg, exacerbated by movement.
Medical History and Pain Management
Medical Background: Discussion on previous pain relief attempts with ibuprofen and paracetamol.
Physical Examination and Recommendations
Recommendation: Urgent dispatch of ambulance to assess Mr Smith's condition and administer appropriate pain relief.
Arranging Ambulance Service
Emergency Response: Details provided to Mr Smith to ensure comfort until ambulance arrival in Stoke-on-Trent (ST16).
Final Instructions and Follow-Up
Instructions: Mr Smith advised to monitor pain and update emergency services if condition worsens before arrival. Son instructed to assist until help arrives.