Scenario 1 - Tonsillitis

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7 min 12 sec
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Telephone Consultation for Sore Throat: Guidance and Treatment


Initial Contact: Mr. Smith, a patient, contacts the out-of-hours service with throat concerns.

Verification of Patient Details

Confirmation: Urgent care practitioner verifies Mr. Smith's identity and reason for calling.

Symptoms Assessment

Presenting Symptoms: Mr. Smith reports severe throat pain exacerbated by swallowing, along with joint ache and swollen glands under his jawline.

Medical History and Current Condition

Medical Background: No significant medical history except hay fever, no current medications other than paracetamol.

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Possible Diagnosis: Suspected acute tonsillitis based on symptoms and visual inspection.

Treatment Plan: Prescribing a 10-day course of penicillin-based antibiotics.

Guidance for Mr. Smith

  • Medication Instructions: Take antibiotics as prescribed, spaced from meals for optimal absorption.
  • Supportive Care: Continue using paracetamol for pain relief, ensure adequate fluid intake.
  • Monitoring: Watch for worsening symptoms such as severe throat pain, difficulty swallowing, or breathing problems.
  • Emergency Protocol: In case of emergency (severe symptoms), dial 999 immediately.
  • Follow-up: If symptoms persist after 2-3 days or worsen, contact GP for review.

Conclusion of Call

Closure: End of consultation with instructions reiterated and patient understanding confirmed.