Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Abdominal pain

Video 54 of 91
3 min 38 sec
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Triage Assessment for Gallstones: Patient Care Protocol

Introduction to Triage Assessment

Hi, my name is Mark and I'm one of the triage nurses here today. Before we proceed, could you please confirm your name and date of birth?

Brenda King, 17th June 1974.

Excellent, thank you. Triage is a brief assessment to ensure you see the right healthcare professional promptly.

Initial Vital Signs Check

Let's start with your blood pressure. Is it okay to use your left arm?

No issues with that.

We'll also take your temperature. Now, what symptoms have you been experiencing?

Pain in my upper abdomen, radiating to my back. It worsens after eating, although I'm improving my diet. It comes in waves and is quite intense.

Medical History and Symptoms

I understand you've been diagnosed with gallstones. How would you describe the pain?

It's a spasming, cramping type of pain.

Any other medical issues or regular medications?

No other medical problems. I take Co-codamol for the pain, but it only takes the edge off.

Assessment and Next Steps

Have you noticed any other symptoms like blood in vomit or changes in urine or bowels?

No blood in vomit, and no changes in urine or bowels.

Based on your symptoms, we'll arrange for you to see a GP. They'll examine you and plan your treatment.


Do you need any pain relief right now?

I'm okay for now as I took some medication an hour ago.

Let's get you to the GP. Follow the corridor out the door, take the third right, then left to the end of the corridor.

Thank you.