Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Debrief - Minor arm injury

Video 61 of 91
1 min 56 sec
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Handling Upper Limb Injury in Triage

Initial Presentation and Triage Approach

This patient presented with an injury to their arm, specifically the shoulder, involving the upper limb.

Quick Triage: I aimed to expedite the triage process, attempting to use the blood pressure cuff on the affected arm.

Consideration: Before placing the cuff, it's crucial to ask, "Is it okay to use this arm?" This ensures safety, especially for patients with lymph node issues or fistulas in the limb.

Assessment and Distinction

Incident Clarification: For patients with minor injuries like this patient who fell, it's important to determine whether it was a fainting episode or a trip resulting in injury.

Neurovascular Assessment: Check for any deficits distal to the injury, including pulses and sensation.

Ring Removal: Always remove rings from the affected limb to prevent complications, unless there's a major deformity, compound fracture, or neurovascular deficit.

Treatment and Care

Supportive Measures: Patients with minor injuries may require a sling or other supportive measures, along with adequate pain relief while awaiting further assessment.