Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Unknown condition - Possible stroke

Video 76 of 91
4 min 4 sec
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Neurological Symptoms Assessment in Triage


Triage Nurse Introduction: Hi, I'm Mark, the triage nurse on duty tonight. Could you please confirm your name and date of birth for me?

Patient Confirmation: Yes, it's Barry Davis and my date of birth is May 16, 1972.

Triage Assessment Process

Quick Assessment: Triage involves a rapid evaluation to determine the appropriate care pathway.

Initial Checks: Let's start with your blood pressure, if that's okay with you?

Neurological Symptoms: Patient reports strange sensations, including pins and needles and numbness on the left side of the face and tongue.

Patient History and Symptoms

Onset of Symptoms: Symptoms began this morning with weakness and sensory changes in the limbs and face.

Additional Symptoms: Patient also complains of headache.

Medical Examination

Blood Pressure and Pulse: Blood pressure noted to be high, patient reports accompanying headache.

Neurological Examination: Assessing pupil reactions, facial muscle strength, and limb mobility to identify any neurological deficits.

Assessment Findings

Neurological Deficits: Patient exhibits weakness on the left side of the body, consistent with reported symptoms.

Next Steps

Immediate Action: Patient to be transferred to A&E for further examination by a doctor.

Pain Management: Pain relief to be administered after doctor's assessment.

Transport: Patient will be moved promptly to A&E for thorough evaluation and treatment.