Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Scenario 4 - Awkward patient and antibiotics

Video 88 of 91
8 min 3 sec
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Urgent Care Call with Mr Smith: Ear Infection Assessment

Introduction and Identification

Introduction: Shawn, an Urgent Care practitioner, contacts Mr Smith regarding his ongoing ear issue.

Assessment of Current Condition

Current Symptoms: Mr Smith expresses frustration with his ear infection and the ineffectiveness of previous treatments.

Medical History and Treatment

Medical Background: Discussion on previous antibiotics and pain relief medications taken by Mr Smith.

Physical Examination and Next Steps

Recommendation: Urgent referral to the Royal Stoke Hospital Urgent Care Centre for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment.

Arranging the Urgent Care Appointment

Appointment: Details provided for Mr Smith to attend the Royal Stoke Hospital Urgent Care Centre for assessment.

Final Instructions and Follow-Up

Instructions: Mr Smith advised to await a call for appointment details and contact 111 in case of worsening symptoms or changes before the appointment.