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Triage Assessment for Beta-Blocker Overdose
Introduction to Triage: Hi, my name is Mark. I'm the triage nurse today. Let's quickly confirm your details before proceeding.
Patient Details
Patient Details: Name: Barry Smith, Date of Birth: March 16, 1964.
Triage Assessment Process
Purpose of Triage: Triage involves a brief assessment to determine the appropriate care pathway.
Blood Pressure Check: We'll check your blood pressure while we talk to ensure everything's okay.
Patient History and Symptoms
Medical History: Barry explains he's on beta-blockers and may have accidentally taken an extra dose due to stress.
Symptoms: Barry feels lightheaded, dizzy, and experiences delayed cognitive response.
Assessment and Evaluation
Blood Pressure and Pulse: Barry's blood pressure and pulse are lower than usual, suggesting he may have taken an extra dose of beta-blockers.
Medical History Review: Barry mentions previous heart issues and medication changes, noting today feels different.
Next Steps
Referral to A&E: Given the symptoms and potential overdose, Barry will be transferred to A&E for further evaluation and care under a doctor's supervision.
Final Instructions: Barry will be placed on a trolley and taken to A&E promptly to address his symptoms and ensure appropriate medical attention.