Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Mental health - Depression

Video 52 of 91
4 min 26 sec
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Postnatal Depression Triage Assessment


Hello, I'm Mark, the triage nurse today. Our goal here is to quickly assess your situation and direct you to the appropriate care.

Patient Information

Name and Date of Birth: Brenda King, 14th June 1984

Let's quickly check your blood pressure while we chat. Is that okay with you?

Blood Pressure Check: Conducted

Could you tell me what has been happening and why you're here today?

Patient's Concerns

Brenda expresses feeling overwhelmed and guilty despite having a new baby.

Main Concerns:

  • Feeling unable to cope
  • Struggling with sleepless nights
  • Feelings of not doing a good job as a mother

Assessment Questions

Have you felt suicidal or had thoughts of harming yourself?

Suicidal Thoughts: Denied

Support System: Brenda is currently alone with minimal family support.

Next Steps

Brenda, it's important to get you the help you need. We'll have you seen by a doctor in A&E who will assess your situation further.

Plan: Direct Brenda to the A&E doctor for examination and support.

Head left out of this room, follow the counter to the seating area near the TV displays. Please wait there.

Thank you, Brenda.