Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Mental health - Potential suicide

Video 50 of 91
4 min 39 sec
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Mental Health Crisis: Immediate Triage and Support


Hi, I'm Mark, the triage nurse today. Could you please confirm your name and date of birth?

Brenda King: 14th June '75

Assessment and Triage

We need to conduct a quick assessment to ensure you get the right help. What brings you to A&E today?

Reason for Visit: Feeling suicidal, took paracetamol an hour ago.


When did these feelings start?

  • Started about a month ago

Have you experienced this before?

  • No, first time experiencing this

Substance Use:

  • Took 50 paracetamol tablets and consumed one litre of lager

Immediate Action Required

We need to move quickly. Let's check your vital signs and get you to see a doctor:

  • Check blood pressure
  • Check temperature

Support and Treatment

We can provide immediate treatment to help you. Please come with me to A&E to see a doctor.

Note: It's important that you came here for help.