Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Ear, nose and throat

Video 82 of 91
3 min 35 sec
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Assessment of Earache and Sore Throat

Introduction to Triage Assessment

Greeting and Confirmation: Hello, I'm Mark, the triage nurse on duty tonight. Could you please confirm your name and date of birth for me?

Patient Details: Yes, it's Dave Smith, 16th May '64.

Overview of Triage Process

Triage Explanation: Triage involves a quick assessment to determine the appropriate next steps for your care.

Blood Pressure Check: Could we check your blood pressure while we talk?

Patient's Symptoms and Concerns

Chief Complaint: Dave presents with earache and a sore throat.

  • Ear Symptoms: Initially started with earache and a sensation of water, now painful.
  • Throat Symptoms: Severe throat pain making swallowing difficult despite over-the-counter remedies.

Assessment and Findings

Initial Assessment: Temperature slightly elevated, pulse elevated.

Physical Examination: Examined throat and ear for signs of infection and discomfort.

Recommendation for Further Care

Next Steps: Based on symptoms, referral to GP at the Urgent Care Centre for further evaluation and treatment.

Medication: Doctor likely to prescribe suitable pain relief considering the severity of throat pain.

Conclusion and Directions

Direction to Urgent Care: To reach the Urgent Care Centre, exit here, turn right,