Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Introduction - Observations of vital signs

Video 26 of 91
1 min 9 sec
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Triage Scenarios and Vital Signs Assessment in A&E

Importance of Vital Signs in Triage

Each patient in A&E triage undergoes a thorough assessment including:

  • Full Set of Vital Signs: Includes blood pressure, pulse, temperature, saturations, and respiration rate, establishing a baseline for further observations.
  • Baseline for Comparison: These initial observations serve as a baseline against which subsequent vital signs are compared.

A-E Assessment Framework

The triage nurse follows the A-E assessment framework:

  • Subconscious Assessment: Airway, breathing, circulation, neurological disability, and exposure are assessed, often subconsciously integrated into the triage process.

Importance of Pulse Assessment

During observations, it's crucial to assess the pulse:

  • Quality of Pulse: Assessing the regularity and character of the pulse provides valuable insights into the patient's condition.

By incorporating these assessments, triage nurses ensure thorough evaluation and effective initial management of patients in A&E.