Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Circumference burn

Video 74 of 91
2 min 53 sec
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Management of Burn Injury: Triage Protocol


Triage Assessment: Hello, I'm Mark, the triage nurse on duty today. We just need to confirm your details.

Patient Details

Confirming Patient Information: Patient's name is Mark Davis, date of birth 16/07/63.

Assessment and Treatment

Quick Triage Process: This is a quick assessment to determine the appropriate care pathway.

Incident Description: The patient sustained a burn injury while attempting to light a petrol-driven Primus stove, causing pain and visible burns around the wrist.

Medical Checks

Vital Signs: Checked blood pressure and temperature. Oxygenation levels are stable.

Medical History: Patient reports no past medical issues or allergies.

Physical Examination

Assessing Burn Severity: Examined the affected arm for nerve and blood supply integrity due to the burn encircling the wrist.

Observations: Note paleness and coolness in the affected area, with sensations of pins and needles.

Next Steps

Treatment Plan: Administered initial pain relief and preparing to transfer the patient to a doctor for further evaluation and treatment.

Patient Management: Patient will receive additional paracetamol and immediate medical attention for burn care.