Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Debrief - Ear, nose and throat

Video 83 of 91
0 min 51 sec

Assessment of Sore Throat and Sore Ear

Overview of Patient Presentation

Chief Complaint: The patient presented with complaints of a sore throat and a sore ear, which may be related.

Physical Examination Focus

Throat Examination: It is essential to examine the mouth for any signs of airway obstruction due to swelling.

Ear Examination: Additionally, inspect behind the ear to assess the mastoid bone for signs of swelling, redness, and tenderness.

Assessment of Mastoid Area

Observation Technique: Viewing the patient square-on helps in detecting any protrusion of the affected ear, indicating potential mastoid area swelling.

Referral and Further Evaluation

Referral Decision: If the airway remains clear, consider referral to the GP for further evaluation. The GP may decide on an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) referral based on findings.