Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Scenario 2 - Chest pain

Video 86 of 91
2 min 29 sec
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Emergency Call for Mrs Smith: Urgent Hospital Referral

Initial Contact

Introduction: Urgent care practitioner contacts Mr Smith regarding Mrs Smith's health concerns.

Assessment of Mrs Smith's Condition

Condition: Mrs Smith is unable to speak due to severe pain and difficulty breathing, with ongoing chest pain throughout the day.

Medical History and Current Symptoms

Medical Background: Mrs Smith has a history of heart problems, currently experiencing paleness and chest pain.

Decision for Hospital Referral

Recommendation: Urgent hospital visit required based on symptoms and medical history.

Arranging Ambulance Service

Ambulance Dispatch: An ambulance is being arranged to transport Mrs Smith to the hospital immediately.

Final Instructions

Instructions to Mr Smith: Await ambulance arrival at 12 Mornington Crescent, Snee Green. Contact 999 if conditions worsen before ambulance arrives.

Closure of Call

Conclusion: Call concludes with instructions reiterated and assurance given regarding ambulance dispatch.