Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Rectal bleeding

Video 80 of 91
3 min 56 sec
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Initial Assessment at Triage: Patient with Abdominal Pain

Introduction to Triage Assessment

Introduction: Hi, I'm Mark, the triage nurse today. Could I please confirm your name and date of birth?

Patient Details: Yes, it's Brenda King, born on the 1st of June, 1964.

Quick Initial Assessment

Triage Overview: Triage involves a quick initial assessment to direct you to the appropriate care.

Blood Pressure Check: Let's check your blood pressure while we talk.

Medical History: Brenda reports abdominal pain persisting for a week, with unusual stool consistency resembling tar and a foul smell.

Assessment Details

Discussion: Brenda's symptoms include widespread bellyache and abnormal stool characteristics.

Concerns: Possible gastrointestinal bleeding indicated by stool appearance.

Next Steps: Urgent referral to A&E for further evaluation and investigations.

Conclusion and Instructions

Further Instructions: Brenda, please proceed to A&E. Avoid taking additional medication until assessed by the doctor.

Direction: Follow the corridor, turn right, third door on the left. Take a seat and you will be attended to shortly.