Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Urine retention

Video 58 of 91
2 min 13 sec
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Managing Urinary Retention in A&E: Triage and Assessment


Good afternoon. I'm Lutena, one of the triage nurses. We'll be conducting a quick assessment to direct you to the appropriate care. First, could you please confirm your date of birth and name?

Name: Brendon King

Date of Birth: June 15th, 1960

Assessment of Symptoms

Brendon, you mentioned you're unable to urinate. How long has this been an issue?

Symptoms: Last urinated around 2am, minimal output

Medical History: Prostate issue, taking Tamsulosin

Current Condition

Pain Level: Rated 8 out of 10; took co-codamol for back pain

Vital Signs: Slightly elevated blood pressure and heart rate due to pain

Additional Symptoms: Feeling full and distended

Next Steps

We'll proceed to A&E for a bladder scan to assess fluid retention and determine the appropriate treatment.

Plan: Ensure comfort, conduct abdominal scan in A&E


Follow me down the corridor to the left. We'll get you scanned and start treatment promptly.

Outcome: Swift diagnosis and treatment for urinary retention