Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Video 38 of 91
6 min 13 sec
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Headache Assessment and Triage

Welcome to Triage

Hi, I'm Mark, the triage nurse today. Let's quickly assess your condition to determine the best course of action for your care journey.

Confirming Details

Could you please confirm your name and date of birth?

Brenda King, 15th June 1975.

Assessment of Symptoms

What has been happening, Brenda?

Brenda describes a headache across her forehead persisting for a week.

Details of Headache

  • Pain Level: Rated 6/10, constant with fluctuations during the day.
  • Associated Symptoms: No neck stiffness, no visual disturbances, no rash.

Medical History and Current Condition

  • Previous Occurrence: Similar episode a few months ago under stress.
  • Current Condition: No recent trauma, no vomiting, no significant medical history.
  • Allergies: None except occasional hay fever.

Physical Examination

Physical assessment findings:

  • Neurological Exam: Normal strength, no sensory deficits.
  • Cranial Nerves: Intact with normal responses.

Next Steps

Considering the persistent nature of your headache and family history of heart problems, we will arrange for a GP assessment and necessary tests.

Thank you, Brenda. We'll get you the help you need promptly.

End of Triage Assessment.