Hospital and Telephone Triage

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Debrief - Vaginal bleeding

Video 47 of 91
1 min 10 sec
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Assessment of Vaginal Bleeding: Key Points and Management


Vaginal bleeding can indicate significant blood loss, which is measured by the number of sanitary pads used per hour.

Key Points to Consider

  • Blood Loss Measurement: Use of three or more sanitary pads per hour indicates significant bleed.
  • Duration: Establish how long the bleeding has been occurring.
  • Colour and Nature: Old blood appears brown, while fresh bleeding is typically red.
  • Pregnancy: If applicable, pregnancy status is crucial information.

Monitoring Vital Signs

It is crucial to monitor the patient's:

  • Blood Pressure: Watch for changes as the body compensates for blood loss.
  • Pulse: Note increases as blood pressure decreases, indicating narrowing pulse pressure.


By assessing these key points and monitoring vital signs, healthcare providers can effectively manage cases of vaginal bleeding and provide appropriate care.