Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Chest pain

Video 36 of 91
3 min 30 sec
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Triage Assessment for Chest Pain - Brenda's Case


Hi, I'm Mark, one of the triage nurses today. Could you please confirm your name and date of birth?

Brenda King, 14th June 1975.

Understanding Triage

Triage is a quick assessment to prioritise your care and ensure you're seen by the right healthcare professional at the right time.

Assessment of Symptoms

Brenda: Yes, just the left side. It feels like someone has sat on my chest, this heaviness.

Mark: How long have you had this pain?

Brenda: Started this morning suddenly around 10 o'clock, feels like an elephant on my chest.

Mark: Any other symptoms like sweating, nausea?

Brenda: Yes, clammy, sweating, bit nauseous. No vomiting.

Medical History

Mark: Any allergies or current medications?

Brenda: No allergies, no current medications.

Mark: Previous medical problems?

Brenda: High cholesterol, but managing it.

Plan and Next Steps

Mark: We need to get you to A&E quickly for a heart tracing due to your symptoms and family history. Is that okay?

Brenda: Yes, my family has heart problems, hope it's not that.

Mark: We'll arrange an ECG and likely take blood for further assessment.


Mark: I'll call for a wheelchair to take you to triage one for an ECG. They're here now to take you.

Brenda: Thank you so much.

Mark: You're welcome. Follow the porter, they'll take you straight to A&E.